Thursday, January 14, 2010


I have been so blessed because the job that i do gives me oppertunities to do alot of great things and that is the fact that i got a chance to realease the Black Breasted snake Eagle it was at sondela wildlife centre and what hapend to it is that it got poisend cause it it ate a dead poisend rat so it had full recovered and it was ready to be released.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Matric Results

This year we did not do very well academic wise, so i think its time asked ourselves the question is OBE working for us or not? judging by our poor peformace i would say NO! if OBEdid not work for America and other European contries i dont see how it will wok for us i think it would be better to go back to our old system cause it worked very well and i dont think OBE is help to the Education system


I am sure we all know how long we waited for this momemt to come and now its finally here but we it make all of our hopes and dreams come true all will we look on while others enjoy this moment, hopefully most of us benefit including myself because my job will require me to teach all the tourists that come here about culture and heritage so it is a big responsibility and a great honour. So South Africans lets unite and make this work even thou we all wont be at the stadiums but let us prove the world wrong and do this right.