Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week 2

The second week is where various things are covered such as Ecology, tree's and Amphibians.
The have to know the following with trees:

This what they need to know about Ecology
*What an Ecosystem is?
*what is the difference between a food chain and a food web?

For Amphibians they need the following:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Future Guides

i have not Updated my blog in a while, but i have so much to share om what has happened in the last three months

February my first sites guide arrived in class and i was just running around trying to make sure everything goes in order. I could see from the look in their eyes they were nervous

Week 1
We started of with mammals: there learners had to learn how to identify various Mammals, birds and grasses

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Here we go again 2011!!!!!

When another year starts you ask your self what i has in store for you and you wish there was a crystal ball that you could look through but there isn't. So we all hope that everything we hope for we shall achieve and work as as we could to make all our dreams come true