Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The museums at Polokwane

These are the Iconic giraffe family sculptors which are an amazing peace of art but unfortunately they were damaged, if you want to see these sculptors you can find these at the civic square at Polokwane

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

On a light note

A joke for the week!!!!!

A boy came to Sondela with his parents for the holidays, so he asked his mother for money to buy sweets and she gave him the money he came back and asked for money to buy an ice cream then she gave him, later he came back and asked for more money to go for a game drive and the mother said do you think that money grows on trees' and the boy responded by saying then why do banks have branches!!!

So parents when you ask your kids want to go for a game drive let them know that they won't find money on tree branches


I have discovered that i have blood of queens and kings running through my veins and i feel they led me to this place to finally discover who i am. It all astarted with the Bela-Bela tour and now i feel that i can finally honour my ancestors.I never realised that a represented many nations becaause i have blood of many nations running through my veins, which is a blessing because i get to see a part of myself in the faces i see when i do tours.

All my life i struggled with my i dentity , i remember when i had to fill in forms of which ethnic group i belonged to, that was difficult and even when the teachers at class asked me what my name meant i always had to guess what my name meant and i used to guess that it meant peace and i was right. This dicovery was lead by a grave of a child named Salomina at the old Bela-Bela cemetary. When i saw the name Salomina, i asked myself many questions that no one could answer. I thought to myself maybe my name was mispelled and it was because it has an h at the end, which its not sopposed to. That made me curious and i started searching for answers, because one thing about being a guide you have to know where you come from before you tell people about other peoples culture.

i dicovered a whole new universe when it came to my name, i mean there is an island with my name, a municipality and marathon.This dicovery was lead by a grave of a child named Salomina at the old Bela-Bela cemetary

The name Salamis is probably derived from Salam (shalam), Phoenician for peace,[3] under which it was mentioned in Homer's writings. Some sources, however, say it was named after the nymph Salamis, according to legend the mother of Cychreus, the first king of the island).[4]

Greek Name:

Of Salamis (island)

SALAMIS was the Naiad Nymph of the spring, well or fountain of the town of Salamis on the island of the same name (in southern Greece)

She was a daughter of the River Asopos who was abducted to the island by the god Poseidon.

[1.1] ASOPOS (Corinna Frag 654, Apollodorus 3.161, Pausanias 1.35.2)
[1.2] ASOPOS & METOPE (Diodorus Siculus 4.72.1-5)
[1.1] KYKHREUS (by Poseidon) (Apollodorus 3.161, Pausanias 1.35.2, Diodorus Siculus 4.72.1-5)


SA′LAMIS (Salamis), a daughter of Asopis, and by Poseidon the mother of Cenchreus or Cychreus. (Paus. i. 35. § 2; Apollod. iii. 12. § 7; Diod. iv. 72.) From her the island of Salamis was believed by the ancients to have received its name.

Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.

"Of these nine daughters [of Asopos]... while Korkyra and Salamis and lovely Euboia were stolen by father Poseidon." - Greek Lyric IV Corinna, Frag 654

"Kykhreus the son of Poseidon and Asopos’ daughter Salamis." - Apollodorus, The Library 3.161

"It is said that the first to give this name [Salamis] to the island was Kykhreus, who called it after his mother Salamis, the daughter of Asopos." - Pausanias, Guide to Greece 1.35.2

"[In the temple of Zeus at Olympia are paintings] Salamis carrying in her hand the ornament made for the top of a ship’s bow." - Pausanias, Guide to Greece 5.11.5

"Asopos made his home in Phlios, where he married Metope, the daughter of Ladon, to whom were born two sons, Pelasgos and Ismenos, and twelve daughters, Korkyra and Salamis, also Aigina, Peirene, and Kleone, then Thebe, Tanagra, Thespeia, and Asopis, also Sinope, and finally Ornia and Khalkis ... Salamis was seized by Poseidon and taken to the island which was named Salamis after her; and she lay with Poseidon and bore Kykhreus, who became king of this island."


480 B.C.

480 B.C. The Persians in their conquest to conquer all of Europe had taken part of eastern Greece. After the Battle of Thermopylae where Leonidas and 300 Spartan soldiers died courageously defending their ideals and their country the Persian fleet sailed to the Saronic Gulf and the Greek fleet sailed to Salamis.

The Persians anchored at Faliro Bay where their King Xerxes ordered halve of the fleet to sail to Corinth and the other halve to Attica and Elefsina.

200 Egyptian Trieris sailed to the Megara Bay to block the way of the Greek Fleet and the same time the Persian Army landed in Attica and Psitalia Island, (a small Island near Salamis) Xerxes ordered his servants to place his throne on a hill which looks over Salamis bay so he can watch the battle the hill is called Egaleo.

i dicovered so much that it would take days.basically my name is a greek name, yhey cut it and say salamis so if you call me salamis i won't be offended.When i discoverede this i had great feeling, because this contributed to my fascination with hitory, i wanted to be a historian when i was i child, so i am living part of that dream.I made a dicovery in my own life and i realised that every human being is a living story, so go out there and discover WHO YOU ARE !!!!!!!

More on Polokwane

Monday, July 20, 2009


This weekend we had a cycling marathon at Sondela which was quite fun, it was a very interesting experiance because i have never been a part of such an event and i think Sondela did a great job, the guests enjoyed themselves, it would have been nice to see mr meyer in the race but maybe next time and hopefully i get the chance to see the one that is going to take place next year

Friday, July 17, 2009


Its a pleasure that you are still with us because you have been a blessing in our lives and you have done so much for our contry, you are a "HERO" and you are definitley a father of the nation and i hope that God keeps you alive for years to come.You and i have one thing in common we are both born in the same month, i was born on the 15th and you were born 0n the 18th, so that makes us both Cancerian.I hope that one day i will be as good as you are, if not atleast to be half the person you are.Have a good birthday ukhule u khokhobe !!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Growing up !!!!!

I have learned lot till now, even though i am still young but i have learned how to have limitations, when to let go but the most important thing i have learned is human nature, every human being is unique and you have to treat a person according their character, but the greatest lesson i have learned is love rules us all and you need to have love and understanding. My mother is still over protective of me even at this stage, i used to find that to be silly but i realised is because she cares and loves me and it felt wonderful when she said happy birthday my angel, you are still my baby girl.

You can have have it all but as long as you dont have the peolple who love you close to you life has less meaning even if you are rich but for me richness is the love and support i get from them even if everyone thinks i suck to the i am the best, even if people make fun of mt height or call me a "NEVER MIND" it does not matter.So i thank God for keeping me on this earth for this long cause many don't get the chance to reach this age.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The place of safety " Polokwane"

We went on a Polokwane tour which was fun .
we saw and experianced various things such as historical art
effects and how people use the past things in the present.
Our first stop was Bakone malapa which is an open air museum
which exhibit historical art effects of the Bakone people
and how they lived and their culture.I felt like i was thrown back in time when i was wearing the animal skins, it was a fun experiance

Monday, July 13, 2009

The death of an Icon

Micheal shaped world history with his voice and talent, his briliance is unmached he influenced our lives in many ways that no one can.He will be remembered for his white socks,gloves and hat mostly his dance moves and scandals but without a shadow of a doubt he is a Legend and i woould like to say rest in peace. I hope you have the peace you never had when you were alive.Salute!!!!!