Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy days

This was the bonus function that took place at sondela. We had a lot of fun, we did a roleplay on how sondela operates on a daily basis plus we received our certificates for nature guiding and that was a great honour!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Flu and a whole lot of flu

Well i would like to say to everyone if you feel that something is wrong with you, make sure that you see the doctor asap because you will never know what it might be and i found out the hard, cause i had a flu and i took it lightly till i could not get up, then i knew something was wrong i was seriously sick, luckly i did something in time and i almost ate a whole back of oranges which helped me get back on my feet.NB I haven't forgoten my promise to you that i am going to do something life changing so keep watching this space.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lifes' Lessons

U never realised how far off i have been, OK! i Will spare you the long speech and get to the point. I have lost focus on what i want and i feel dat the passion that i have for life has taken a bit of a knock and that i needed someone to remind of what drives me as a person and i can assure that there is a lot of things that drive me. i remember when i was an early teen i used to draw, paint, design. I could do so much and now i feel like a have aged sooner than i thought and i am only 23. Mr Pearce reminded me of something which i have forgotten and that is i am young and have so much to offer and i should work very had and that is what i am planning to do i have given myself a challenge which i have to complete on the 25 September 2009. I will let you in on the details once i have completed my plan, so watch this space. Pls go out there and live your dream ta!!!.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Womens' Month

It's good to be a woman!!! and you probably ask yourself why? and the reason is because we are celebrated for what we can do. A woman can do so many things, we are care givers,supporters, providers, household managers, a woman can be whom ever you want her to be. So i would like to say happy womens' month just take it easy and know that you are great!!!! and to my mom you are the best, i can't imagine life without you, i am the young woman that i am because of you,you have taught me so much and every day of my life i use the knowledge that you have given me thanks alot love you!!!!!.