Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lifes' Lessons

U never realised how far off i have been, OK! i Will spare you the long speech and get to the point. I have lost focus on what i want and i feel dat the passion that i have for life has taken a bit of a knock and that i needed someone to remind of what drives me as a person and i can assure that there is a lot of things that drive me. i remember when i was an early teen i used to draw, paint, design. I could do so much and now i feel like a have aged sooner than i thought and i am only 23. Mr Pearce reminded me of something which i have forgotten and that is i am young and have so much to offer and i should work very had and that is what i am planning to do i have given myself a challenge which i have to complete on the 25 September 2009. I will let you in on the details once i have completed my plan, so watch this space. Pls go out there and live your dream ta!!!.

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