Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 3 of Limpopo Tour

This furnace was used for mining at Eersteling (which means "first born")mine in the late 1800s and was the first place which gold was dicovered and the one at top on the rihgt is the camelthorn tree which is planted at the Moordrift monument but now its old and no longer has leaves pods or flowers, the middle small picture is us at the Moordrift monument, which was build to honour the women and children who were brutaly murdered in the area,this aso used to be a place where mail coaches stoped to rest and give water to their horses and .From the right at the bottom is the picture of Knotts camp and the amazing view we had, i totaly enjoyed staying there and i hope to go back one day.over all i enjoyed the trip and it was a great learning experience

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 2 of Limpopo Tour

From the right its me prepering myself for the picture,we were leaving Warriors camp site which had an amazing view and enjoyed staying there and i hope to come back some day. As you can see in the centre what i am taking about when i say an amazing view.In the left is picture taken when we were heading to Makhado(louis Trichardt) and the tunnels depicts gods greatness and is the place that Louis Trichardt who was a voortrekker leader climbed down fro the moutain with his people and cattle for 3 months and i must add that it is said that his wife was the one who came up with the idea and apperantley they tied rope on themselves, their cattle and on the tree's to prevent them from faling to their death that's why they say in most cases behind every successful man there is a beautiful woman and i might add smart too and i include myself on that list and i know what you thinking "very funny".Overall it was agreat experiance i enjoyed myself despitethe hiccups along the way.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Limpopo tour day 1

These were the scenic places we saw. That little shop you see is in haenertsburg and when you look at it you feel stuck in time this little preserves the history the place when you go there the atmosphere is amazing its like you are in afairy tale that one gets to see in movies. I felt like i was in a movie and those strange art effecta can be found at the tzaneen museum where the culture of the Tsonga and Pedi people are potrayed including the dynasty of the Modjadji queens" THE RAIN MAKING QUEENS". The view of the dam and that is us with ms heidi we were playing aprank on her cause she felt tired after a very long journey to Haenertsburg and we stopped she decide to take a nap and we being very naughty took pictures of to show her how she looks when she i s sleeping that was very funny cause she caught us.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am still a normal girl

Well this is how i look when i am not wearing my working clothes, the reason why i am showing you this picture is that people have a perception that when you are working in the bush, you can't look good and my friends have been making fun of me, they say that the bush has messed me up and i will admit that i have been neglecting myself but i can't help it cause i work too hard. I am a workaholic and those who don't know me think that i am a spoiled snob but iam not, fortunately i dont have i big ego.