Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 3 of Limpopo Tour

This furnace was used for mining at Eersteling (which means "first born")mine in the late 1800s and was the first place which gold was dicovered and the one at top on the rihgt is the camelthorn tree which is planted at the Moordrift monument but now its old and no longer has leaves pods or flowers, the middle small picture is us at the Moordrift monument, which was build to honour the women and children who were brutaly murdered in the area,this aso used to be a place where mail coaches stoped to rest and give water to their horses and .From the right at the bottom is the picture of Knotts camp and the amazing view we had, i totaly enjoyed staying there and i hope to go back one day.over all i enjoyed the trip and it was a great learning experience

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff there, feels like I should try that myself. I believe that the experiences that you share with the people will open their minds about visiting nature reserves. great stuff salaminah.
