Friday, January 6, 2012

Remembering the Good Old days

These Chitas were so sweet and Aggressive residents of the Wildlife center, they found them in the wild and believe their mother was killed by lions and they eventually got older and we had to release them< Chitas are becoming scarce in the Wild due to the fact that farmers of Game shoot them because they kill Expensive Antelope such as Sables and Roan. Cheetah - ACINONYX JUBATUS Sizes:
Head and body-4.3-4.9 ft
Tail-2 to 2.5 ft.

Shoulder Height:
2.3-2.8 ft

75-150 lbs.

Female solitary; male lives in small groups

Gazelles and other antelope; also hares, rodents, gamebirds and sometimes larger prey such as the zebra.

Up to 12 years in the wild, longer in captivity
Sexual Maturity:
20-24 months

Mating Season:
Throughout the year

90-95 days

Litter Size:
Up to 8, but usually 2 to 5 cubs


The cheetah is the most primitive of all cats, evolving approximately 18 million years ago.


The cheetah has a tall, slim, long-legged build. It has a yellowish-brown coat with darkbrown spots and a long white-tipped tail. The cheetah's spots help to camouflage it in its environment.

Special Characteristics:

The cheetah has no natural enemies. The cheetah's paws have only semi-retractable claws, the only of its type amongst the species of cat, and offer the cat extra grip in its high-speed pursuits.

Speed :

A fully grown cheetah can reach speeds in excess of 60 mph.

The cheetah's favourite prey is the gazelle. It also preys on the impala and the antelope, and other grazing animals.

Cheetah are usually carnivores although they might sometimes might eat fruit like watermelon. The medium size animals they eat include:antelope, fawns, gazelle, deer,etc. The smaller animals they eat are, rabbitts, birds, hares, frogs, etc. As I said before they are known to eat fruit like watermelon. Also, their diet includes lizards and eggs.
Cheetahs like to live in the open area. Because of their liking for that, they usually are found in the grasslands, desert-like plains, savannahs, and like areas that have tall grass. These are the reasons because they usually are found in some places in Africa. Before, they were found in some parts of India and all over Africa, but now only maybe 20-30% of Africa. It hunts mainly by day. It follows its prey from a distance. It selects old, injured or young animals whose speed will be impaired.The cheetah can be found in open grassland and nearby forests in all parts of Africa, the Middle East, and south-central Asia.
Life Span:

The cheetah can live anywhere from 10-15 years in the wild.

Future of the Cheetah:

The cheetah is an endangered species. Its habitat is being destroyed by humans and there is also the problem of poachers. Zoos and federal parks provide many cheetahs with a haven where the survival of its species can be assured. Governmental laws have also been implemented to protect the cheetah.

Cheetahs are mostly found in South and East Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia.
Related Species:

There are 5 subspecies of cheetah in the genus Acinonyx: four in Africa and one in Iran. The endangered subspecies, Acinonyx jubatus venatiecus lives in Asia.

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