Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Time has come

The time is slowly arriving for the students to say Goodbye and for New Learners to arrive, It was a wonderful year, we learned a lot, cried a lot and worked a lot and Now the Time has come to reap the rewards, so i am making this post a tribute to the student before Graduation day on 20/01/2012.

I will start with my First Group
Johan Wessels, Arno Smith, Elani Smith, SanetHowe and Morne Wilken.
We had lots of fun together, Arno kept us Entertained, Sant Kept us on the Edge of our seats, Johan brought spunk, Morne made us wonder and Elani was all smiles

S you Can see there is Johan doing his Pre-Trail Briefing and his virtual drive( Wow you have really Grown

Johan am proud of you Good luck!!!)

Karen Muller, Moira Cronje, Sulize van Zyl, Zanderi van Zyl

What can I say there was so much fun and laughter with this Group maybe is because it was all Girls and trust me this is the most Organized Group that I worked with, everything was always done on time, shows you that if you strike a woman you strike a rock
As you can see a picture of me with a telescope that night I was giving a class on Astronomy and it was fun and hilarious, because a dove flea past and it was in the middle of the night and Karen thought that it was a shooting star and i corrected her by telling her it was a dove and everybody burst out laughing because she said it with such Excitement. I will never forget you ladies you were like my sisters and I will Enjoy playing the Guidance counselor and having our girl talk. Karen you kemp us Grounded, sulize you made us thirst for knowledge and be good at what we do because that is what you represented, Moira You werte the Go- Getter and always made sure thing were smooth and perfect, Zanderi you made us see that anything is possible if you believe. Good luck Ladies!!!

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